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Your Guide to Hair Dryers

How do you choose a hair dryer? What are the specifications you need to check before making a purchase?

How to choose the best hair dryer

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    Specifications of a good hair dryer

    Specifications of hair dryers

    Specification benefit

    Ceramic Hair Dryer

    Give shine, heat protection, and untangles hair.

    Ionic Technology

    Generates infrared waves with negative ions that speed up the drying process.


    Speeds up the drying process, and gives the hair a shine.

    Cold Air Button

    Reliefs hair from heat, and adds volume.


    Dries long and thick hair quicker.

    Cylindrical Air Distributor

    Hear reaches hair roots, helps in styling curly and wavy hair.


    It is good to hang the dryer on a wall to prevent it from being placed on damp areas.

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    Hair dryers are widely used nowadays in all over the world, and due to its necessity it became one of the most important home electric appliances
    Hair dryers are not only used by females as it can also be used to blow dry your hair after showering to prevent tangling. Through this article we will help you choose the best hair dryer for your use since the market is filled with different types, models, and brands.
    Before making a purchase you need to consider the features that differentiates between hair dryers. We will now list these features to help you make a smart decision.

    Ceramic or Plastic Hair Dryers?

    Ceramic Hair Dryers are better than metallic or plastic

    Ceramic Hair Dryer

    Plastic or metallic hair dryers are usually more prone to damage and burning after using them for a long period of time, or when turned on for a long time. They also do you not circulate heat in an organized way leading to unsatisfactory results. Therefore, we advise you to get a ceramic hair dryer. Ceramic hair dryers have better heat circulation and can withstand heat thus elongating the lifespan.

    Choose Hair Dryer with Ionic Technology

    Hair Care Products

    Ionic technology is new to hair dryers. It releases negative ions to untangle hair; it proved to be better than positive ions which are usually released from plastic and metallic hair dryers.
    Some also are coated by a layer of Tourmaline which can dry your hair 70% faster. It works by breaking small water particles into smaller particles to be better absorbed by the skin or hair. It also has softer heat with a good styling result. Getting a ceramic hair dryer with ionic technology and tourmaline layer is the best choice.

    Best Electric Power for Hair Dryers

    Different colors of Hair Dryers

    There is no doubt that hair dryers with high power are also better and faster as it can generate larger amounts of hot air. Therefore, we advise you to get a dryer with 1300 watts. Some dryers can reach up to 2200 watts.
    If you do not care about a fast result, then you can buy a dryer with lower power.
    It is better to buy an average power hair dryer (between 1300 watts and 2200 watts) so that your hair does not get damaged by a high power, and will not take a long time to dry.
    Women who have short hair usually use a hair dryer with a low power, but women who have long hair use a higher power dryer. We advise you to take into consideration the hair length, thickness, and volume before making a purchase.

    Be Interested in Multi-Options

    Different Sizes of Hair Dryers

    For your comfort and easy use, we advise you to get a hair dryer with hear control. This allows you to set the appropriate heat level to prevent hair damage.
    It is usually better to buy a dryer with three heat options. High heat can be used for drying, the average for styling, and the low one to cool the hair down after styling.
    Some have a Turbo option allowing you to dry your hair in minutes, but it is better if you do not use it on daily basis.
    It is better for the hair when warm and not hot air is used. And there are hair dryers that are suitable for different haircuts

    Hair Dryer Weight and Design

    Plastic hair dryer

    Usually real (authentic) hair dryers have a light weight (half or less than 1 kilogram). That is to make it easier on professional hair stylists who carry them all day long. Light weight hair dryers can reach small places (like behind the ear lobes). Some even have a movable arm that can move with the hand to facilitate reaching small places.
    Our advice here is to buy a hair dryer with a cone nozzle to be able to dry more hair in shorter time.

    Summary of the most important parts

    Through this article we have attempted to collect all the important specifications and features you need to check when looking for a new hair dryer. You now only need to choose the most suitable for you, whether through comparing the features, ease of use, or even performance and speed.
    It is important to find a good hair dryer, which speeds up drying time without damaging the hair.
    Below is a box of the most important specifications of hair dryers:
    Our most important advice to you is to check the specifications and features, read reviews and criticism, and choosing what you need while sticking to your budget.
    Be smart before making a purchase.

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